I noticed a number of people there I knew -- Brad from CitySnaps, my friend Martin from work, and the omnipresent Frank Chu. Really big crowd, but everybody was having a lot of fun.
The walk was great -- a very nice opportunity to meet people, explore some parts of SOMA I might never visit (some sketchier than others...), and also see some local street art which was really fantastic. My only real complaint was that SOMA was a little short on people who weren't also photographers. It just felt a little dead to me, particularly when I compared it to walking around the Mission or especially down near Market Street. Less opportunity for spontaneity than I like, too. Whenever we'd see a person, we'd have a dozen people jumping out to take their photo -- which in itself might be a scene, but not necessarily mine. Still, I appreciate any opportunity to walk around the streets taking pictures, so I had a blast.
Of the set, I'd say this one is my favorite:

I came upon these prints arranged in the dashboard of a car near the Defenestration building on Sixth and Howard. It was a very modern car -- so much that my other shots of the scene with a bit of dashboard were a bit to 'clashing' for my taste. And the angle I really wanted was impossible because of glare. So, I had a notion and broke out my 135mm f/2 and set it to near wide open, which is roughly equivalent to turning the dial to dreamy.
It's a hazy little bit of voyeurism of somebody's else's nostalgia, caught marching around on a lazy Sunday with an army of photographers -- I like it.
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